Padre Adam Kotas, a 39-year-old Polish priest who went viral on TikTok for his abnormal sermons laced with wit, denied claims that he is dead after social media users began expressing their fear for his well-being. The concerns began as a result of Padre Adam Kotas's long absence from social media.
Padre Adam Kotas, who was once born in Poland, graduated from Loyola University, Chicago, with a college level in philosophy. Kotas then studied Religious studies at the University of Detroit Mercy and obtained a Master of Divinity in Theology at SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary.
Kotas was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest within the Diocese of Santa Rosa in 2010. After his training as a priest, Kotas frolicked residing in Mexico, the place he learned the Spanish language. He also spent about three years in the Diocese of Las Vegas.
Kotas became a TikTok megastar after he went viral right through the pandemic for his ordinary sermons interspersed with humor and dance. Over two million other folks adopted him on his skilled Facebook page. In one in all his movies, he stated:
“Because I don’t hear anything else from one ear. I never like to mention which ear as a result of they wish to confess in that ear.”His reputation online has steadily landed him in warfare with the church. The Diocese of Santa Rosa and Las Vegas have both publicly disapproved of Father Kotas's sermons. The contention caused Kotas to declare in a video that he had voluntarily resigned from the Roman Catholic jurisdiction and joined the Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese of the Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC) in 2021.
Shortly after, the Catholic Diocese of Santa Rosa excommunicated Father Kotas for publicly departing from the Catholic religion. In a remark, they wrote:
“By his movements, Fr. Adam Kotas has incurred a latae sententiae excommunication (cf. Canons 751 and 1364). By his personal movements and phrases, he has positioned himself in schism by means of declaring his association with a denomination (Polish National Catholic Church - PNCC) which, by its own admission, rejects the authority of the Roman Pontiff.”However, in an interview with KGET, Father Kotas, who still considers himself a catholic, criticized the Catholic Diocese of Santa Rosa's decision to excommunicate him from the Catholic faith.
“All other folks who say that I am not a clergyman do not perceive the theology of the Catholic Church, when a person is ordained a priest it is until death and after death even if I'm going to hell I will proceed to be a priest, since the priesthood by no means erases one of the crucial three sacraments that imprint character according to Catholic theology.”Father Kotas further alleged that he was once compelled to surrender after the Diocese of Santa Rosa time and again threatened and harassed him to leave.
“They threatened me in case you don’t depart, we’re going to do the entirety so that you don’t become a clergyman, so much force makes me in poor health,” Kotas stated. “I joined the Polish National Church as a result of I had to be right here in Las Vegas. I felt known as to be in Las Vegas. I got here for my well being.”Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas also sent a letter stating Father Kotas had formed a breakaway church and had departed from the Catholic religion.
What came about to Padre Adam Kotas?
Recently, fans of Padre Adam Kotas expressed their concern on-line after the TikTok priest seemingly took a smash from the internet. The concerns stemmed from a woman on social media claiming that Adam Kotas used to be lacking after the priest was once noticeably absent from social media platforms.
As other people online started claiming that the priest had died, a pal known on TikTok as Marisol Castro revealed a video in which Adam Kotas denied death claims circulating online. The video which confirmed Padre Adam Kotas assuring fans that he was once positive, used to be captioned:
“Father Adam is in highest situation, he is in Las Vegas, the entirety is excellent, the place will we get this data from? With some of the father's friends, Susy (...) Don't consider in gossip, in all those issues that are being discussed. “The father is in perfect condition and they're going to see him quickly.”It seems that Father Adam Kotas is alive and has merely decided to take a smash from social media.
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